Luxury Semiprecious Stones

We provide an incredible collection of gemstone, semiprecious and shell stone surfaces, often hand made from individually cut and bound semi-precious stones including mother of pearl, lapis lazuli, malachite, crystal quartzes, Agates, Amethyst and Jasper to create beautiful surfaces of sheer luxury and elegance. Original material is creatively interpreted to give life to minerals that convey splendour and magnificence. Our expertise to transform tradition, technology, passion and quality into a sophisticate and elegant masterpiece. Our translucent variety of stones can be lit-up from behind creating unique colour effects to bring your room or space to life.
We specialize in customize and turnkey jobs and have been associated to numerous distinguished clienteles.

>Our range includes: Mother of Pearl Shell Stones such as Black Mother of Pearl, Abalone and Gold Lip Mother of Pearl, Rock crystal, Ice crystal, Blue Tiger Eye, Amethyst, Pyrite, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Petrified Wood, Jasper, Agate, Hematite, Jasper and many more.
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